edification, refection, confabulation*
Bull Talk Presents
inspired fireside chat with remarkable speakers sharing extraordinary subjects
a talk with slides and a story or two by Adam Hunt
Saturday 14th October 6-7.30pm illustrated talk with light repast £15 places are limited, please book your place in advance 'Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread' Edward Abbey Why do we long for wilderness and yet, at the same time, deny ourselves the possibility that we are as wild as any untouched landscape? Why do we work so hard on creating gardens knowing full well that we can never do what nature does so perfectly? What is the relationship between gardens and the wild and how do stories fit into all this? |
These questions first arose for me more than twenty years ago when walking some of the sacred sites of the West Country with the ‘Dongas’, a ‘tribe’ of ex-road protestors, seeking to re-connect with the old ways and history of the land. Music was played, dances were learnt and stories were told and, along the way, as if coincidently, Jack Frost, the Green man and even the shadow of Herne the Hunter seemed to appear.
Since those days I have been building and designing gardens nearly all the time and yet still it is nature and the wild I turn to when I seek inspiration. |
This talk will be an account of a personal exploration of the relationship between gardens, landscape, wilderness and myth. A discussion of why nature seems to come alive when looked at through the prism of stories, of the idea that perhaps myth and local tales are the warp and the weft of the fabric of the landscape. There will also be a consideration of how symbolic, even mythical elements can be incorporated into gardens with specific reference to traditional medieval and Islamic gardens.
Adam Hunt is a Director of Urquhart & Hunt along with Lulu Urquhart. Their practice is a proudly Somerset based Landscape studio that specialises in naturalistic design, landscape restoration and sacred gardens. Projects include the restoration of the Tudor Walled Kitchen garden at the Bishop’s Palace in Fulham, a new Islamic garden in Cambridge and in the Royal Botanic gardens in Jordan with associate Emma Clark from VITA , the new cloister garden for Carlisle Cathedral, a ‘pop-up’ permaculture garden at Clarence House and the implementation of the Oudolf Meadow at Hauser & Wirth, Bruton. Adam has been studying Mythology with Dr. Martin Shaw at the West Country School of Myth for the last three years. |
Previously with Bull Talk Presents
bull |bʊl| talk |tɔːk|
edification |ˌɛdɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n| noun
[mass noun] formal: the moral or intellectual instruction or improvement of someone.
late Middle English: from Latin aedificatio(n-), from aedificare ‘build’
refection |rɪˈfɛkʃ(ə)n| noun
1 [mass noun] literary: refreshment by food or drink; [count noun] a light meal.
2 Zoology: the eating of partly digested faecal pellets, as practised by rabbits.
confabulation |kənˌfabjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n| noun
1 formal: conversation; talk.
2 Psychiatry: fabrication of imaginary experiences as compensation for loss of memory.
bull |bʊl| talk |tɔːk|
edification |ˌɛdɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n| noun
[mass noun] formal: the moral or intellectual instruction or improvement of someone.
late Middle English: from Latin aedificatio(n-), from aedificare ‘build’
refection |rɪˈfɛkʃ(ə)n| noun
1 [mass noun] literary: refreshment by food or drink; [count noun] a light meal.
2 Zoology: the eating of partly digested faecal pellets, as practised by rabbits.
confabulation |kənˌfabjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n| noun
1 formal: conversation; talk.
2 Psychiatry: fabrication of imaginary experiences as compensation for loss of memory.